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$1M Liability Insurance

Keeping you ready for the unexpected

$1M Liability Insurance provides owners and property managers with liability protection for all stays processed online through the finddreamrentals checkout; giving you $1,000,000 in primary liability coverage — at no additional cost to you.

This means that if you don’t already have a liability policy, this policy responds first if someone makes a claim against you. If you already have a liability policy for your vacation rental, then consider this to be coverage additional to what you have. It will respond at the same time as your current policy and both policies will contribute if a claim is made against you.

How you're protected

Traveler injury claims made against you

If a traveler is accidentally injured while staying in your rental property, this program may provide coverage for claims made against you.

Property damage claims made against you

If a traveler accidentally damages the property of a third party (such as a neighbor) while staying in your rental property that third party may sue you for that damage, this program may provide coverage for these types of claims.

Looking ahead

finddreamrentals will continue to look at options to further protect owners against the unexpected challenges involved with managing a vacation rental. Please note, $1M Liability Insurance does not cover damage caused by a traveler to your own property.

How it works

Primary coverage for eligible claims

If you don’t have liability insurance for your rental, this program provides that protection. If you do have liability insurance for your rental, this program works with your current provider and gives you $1,000,000 in added protection for all reservations processed online through finddreamrentals checkout. If you haven’t already, enable online booking to get Liability Insurance at no extra cost.

Liability protection for vacation rentals

Typical homeowners policies may not provide liability protection when your property is used as a vacation rental. This program can provide that necessary coverage for when you are held liable for an accident during a stay at your property (Subject to certain conditions, limitations, and exclusions - Policy Summary).

Global reach

This program provides protection for every reservation processed through finddreamrentals checkout, no matter where in the world your property is located. Reservations processed through finddreamrentals checkout are automatically protected, there’s nothing more you need to do!